Monday, April 2, 2012

Genetically modified corn makes up for 86% of the US supply

It may very well shock you to know just how prevalent GMOs are within the food supply. It’s truly amazing that modified products continue to go unlabeled despite being linked to organ damage — among a barrage of other conditions — in a prominent review of 19 studies.
In fact, nearly 93-95% of US soybeans are genetically modified in order to resist powerful weed-killers that were found to be killing the actual soybeans as well as the weeds. Following current trends, genetically modified food products will make up the majority of the future food supply if a change is not made. For now, that change has been shot down by the FDA — the very organization tasked to defend public health. Just recently, the agency deleted around 1 million signatures from the GMO labeling campaign ‘Just Label It.’
Statistics show how GMO crops and ingredients have skyrocketed in even the past few years. Here are statistics as of 2009-2010:
·         Genetically modified soybeans currently make up for 93-95% of the US soybean supply.
·         Genetically modified corn currently makes up for 86% of the US corn supply.
·         Genetically modified cotton currently makes up for 93% of the US cotton supply.
·         Genetically modified canola currently makes up for 93% of the soybean supply.
·         Genetically modified Hawaiian papaya currently makes up for 93% of the Hawaiian papaya supply.
When viewing these statistics, it is easy to see how many consumers are being tricked into consuming genetically modified foods. Amazingly, in a poll conducted by ABC, more than 93% of Americans feel that products containing GMOs should be labeled – meanwhile, these individuals are actually unknowingly consuming GMOs on a daily basis. What it comes down to is that as long as the threat is not visible, many consumers will simply purchase commercial products without thinking about the consequences. This is exactly why Monsanto and others have been squelching attempts to label products that contain GMOs.
A bipartisan group of 55 members of Congress urged the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to require the labeling of genetically engineered (GE) foods.
The 45 House members and 10 senators joined in supporting a legal petition filed last year by the nonpartisan Center for Food Safety (CFS) on behalf of the “Just Label It” campaign that foods with genetically modified (GM) ingredients be labeled accordingly.
Such a requirement would “protect consumer rights and prevent consumer deception” in the marketplace, said the letter led by Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.).
“FDA’s regulatory regime for food labeling is inadequate and uses 19th century concepts to regulate 21st century food technologies,” reads the bicameral letter sent Tuesday to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg
A 1992 policy statement the FDA allowed GE foods to be marketed without labeling provided they were not “materially” different from other foods in such a way that could be recognized by taste, smell or other senses.
“The outdated standard has no legal basis in the statute and was adopted by FDA despite a lack of scientific studies or data to support the assumption that GE foods are not materially different from conventional foods,” CFS said in a statement.

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